331 research outputs found

    Implementation of Business Process Reengineering during New Normal in Dinamika University Library

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    This research aims to find out how the implementation of business process reengineering occurred in the Dinamika University library during the new normal era. The method uses an exploratory approach by conducting in-depth interviews with key informants, the head of the library division, and the primary informants are library staff. This research will stop if the informants interviewed by the researcher provide the same information or the answers are no longer varied. In this study, the data collection uses triangulation techniques that combine documentation studies, participant observation, and in-depth interviews. The findings of this study are the breakthrough in making the Library Online Services Application and the Dynamics of Box of Sterilization to sterilize a collection of books that have been borrowed, routinely promoted through Instagram, and developing an independent upload system

    Prototipe Dashboard Aplikasi POSTASY Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Pureshare untuk Meningkatkan Kemudahan Layanan Posyandu

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    Abstract. Dashboard Prototype of Website-Based Postasy Application Using the Pureshare Method to Improve the Convenience of Posyandu Services.Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) is a form of community-based health service. Recording of data in a Posyandu is the main activity. To support the main activities, Posyandu has a Postasy website that can display information, maintain data and manage every detail that will be used. The evaluation results showed that the website has deficiencies in the value of memorability and satisfaction, and the dashboard display is inadequate. The solution offered to redesign the dashboard using the pureshare method and the double diamond model as a stage in building a prototype. The final test of the prototype results using the UXT usability test tool and a questionnaire. The test results through the distribution of questionnaires are 87.3% in memorability and 84.8% in satisfaction. The results of testing using UXT obtained 100%, which means that the design is excellent, can be accepted by respondents, and becomes a recommendation.Keywords: Posyandu, redesign, usability testing Abstrak. Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (Posyandu) adalah suatu bentuk layanan kesehatan berbasis masyarakat. Pencatatan dan perekapan data di sebuah Posyandu merupakan kegiatan utama yang dilakukan. Untuk mendukung kegiatan utama Posyandu memiliki website Postasy yang dapat menampilkan informasi yang dibutuhkan, memelihara data dan mengelola setiap detail yang akan digunakan. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara terdapat beberapa keluhan terhadap tampilan website Postasy. Dari hasil evaluasi didapatkan data bahwa website memiliki kekurangan pada nilai memorability dan satisfaction dan juga tampilan dashboard yang kurang memadai. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah mendesain ulang dashboard menggunakan metode pureshare, dan model double diamond sebagautahapan dalam membangun prototype. Pengujian akhir terhadap hasil prototipe dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji usability tools UXT dan kuesioner. Hasil pengujian melalui penyebaran kuesioner diperoleh hasil 87,3% untuk memorability dan 84,8% untuk satisfaction. Hasil pengujian menggunakan UXT diperoleh hasil 100% yang artinya dapat disimpulkan bahwa desain sangat baik, dan dapat diterima oleh responden sehingga menjadi rekomendasi pengguna.Kata Kunci: Posyandu, desain ulang, usability testin

    RFID Listener Sebagai Framework Autentifikasi Sistem Informasi Perguruan Tinggi

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    Aktivitas di perguruan tinggi melingkupi beberapa hal, mulai dari penerimaan mahasiswa, administrasi akademik, perpustakaan, keuangan sampai pada sumber daya manusia dan inventori. Keseluruhan aktivitas tersebut melibatkan semua civitas akademika, baik mahasiswa, dosen, karyawan sampai pimpinan perguruan tinggi. Sistem informasi perguruan tinggi yang terintegrasi untuk melayani aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut membutuhkan keamanan sebagai syarat identifikasi dan autentifikasi. Teknologi RFID sebagai salah satu alat autentifikasi memang semakin banyak digunakan oleh perguruan tinggi, namun kegunaannya hanya sebatas untuk peminjaman buku diperpustakaan dan parkir kendaraan bermotor. Pada penelitian ini pemanfaatan Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa dan Kartu Karyawan yang menggunakan teknologi RFID dioptimalkan agar dapat menjadi alat autentifikasi untuk mengakses seluruh layanan sistem informasi perguruan tinggi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka kartu RFID harus terhubung dengan suatu aplikasi RFID listener sebagai framework autentifikasi sebelum digunakan oleh aplikasi-aplikasi lain yang ada didalam sistem informasi perguruan tinggi

    Implementasi Re-design UI/UX Website Fumigasi Untuk Meningkatkan Customer Experience

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    Fumigation website is a website owned by PT. Prana Argentum which is used as a platform for disseminating information related to pest control. However, based on interviews with company owners, there are some drawbacks such as the appearance of the website is not very user friendly, the information provided is difficult to find. This is also supported by the results of the UEQ pre-survey of website users, where the results of the 6 UEQ scale get the "bad" criterion, which means the low usability value of the website. This study aims to determine the suitability of the company's website in improving customer experience. To overcome the display problems on the website, a solution is needed, namely redesigning the UI/UX design using the double diamond methodology and usability testing along with UEQ. The result of this research is a redesign of the UI/UX design by adding new features such as a price quote feature, an appointment feature, and a transaction feature. To improve the customer experience, researchers also pay attention to the use of colors, fonts, language styles, to user-friendly navigation flows. In this study, two types of tests were carried out, namely usability testing with the Maze tools and UEQ testing. The usability testing results obtained a usability score of 87 which can be said to be good in terms of its usability value. Based on the results of the UEQ test, it is known that there is an increase in the mean value on all UEQ scales. It is proved that the highest mean value is on the perspicuity scale of 2.09 points and the lowest value is on the novelty scale with a value of 1.53 points. the results of the UI/UX website design of PT. Prana Argentum Corporation is classified as good, proper, and acceptable to users

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Klinik Berbasis Web pada Laboratorium Klinik Utama SAFIRAH Sidoarjo

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    This Safirah clinical laboratories in the ministry received a lot of medical tests, but in its information systems are not going well, the medical personnel often face a variety of administrative problems. The problem that often occurs is a problem receiving transactions patient, patient examination transaction, the transaction ordering reagents, reagent revenue transactions in its report that while earnings reports and summary reports doctors. Besides, have not been well integrated inter-section in the clinical laboratory. Based on the above problems, clinical laboratories safirah require an application or system capable of handling administrative problems correctly and quickly. This application is also capable of integrating between the administration and the manager very well. From the results of tests and evaluations that have been done, the system can be built to handle the administration of data processing that has been integrated between the administration and the manager very well and this system can provide regular reports so that managers can make the evaluation of each end of the month or the end of the year

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Manajemen Klien pada Paris (Parking Information System)

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    Paris (Parking Information System) is a information system to deal with parking security and performance. Paris can handle parking transaction with one area one Paris online and offline. It is not efficient anymore if have more than one parking area in far location that cannot connected properly. It must doing update or making report in all parking area. All parking area must be connected and can be communicated. Paris Management Client is a application for connecting all Paris. Offline Paris and online Paris can synchronize data. Member data can distributed in all area with one insert. Not only that, parking member can get parking availability information from Paris Management Client because offline Paris always communicated with online Paris in some interval of time. Paris Management Client developed with waterfall SDLC method. Starts with analysing system's need, then making a system design, coding application, and then testing application. The result is Paris Management Client can help SSI as developer to control all Paris, help client to update data or make report, and help member to get parking's slot easily. recommendation for Paris is develop mobile application for member that can be give information visually, not only text


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    An integrative fuzzy Kansei Engineering and Kano model for logistics services

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    Nowadays, customer emotional needs (known as Kansei) in product and especially in services become a major concern. One of the emerging services is that logistics services. In obtaining a global competitive advantage, logistics services should understand and satisfy their customer affective impressions (Kansei). How to capture, model and analyze the customer emotions has been well structured by Kansei Engineering, equipped with Kano model to strengthen its methodology. However, its methodology lacks of the dynamics of customer perception. More specifically, there is a criticism of perceived scores on user preferences, in both perceived service quality and Kansei response, whether they represent an exact numerical value. Thus, this paper is proposed to discuss an approach of fuzzy Kansei in logistics service experiences. A case study in IT-based logistics services involving 100 subjects has been conducted. Its findings including the service gaps accompanied with prioritized improvement initiatives are discussed